Saturday, July 4, 2009


Today i watchd as a spontaneous abortion, knwn to many as a miscarriage took place. Ths female was shivering, moaning rolling. Tears run down her face as she sweated and twistd, then was the gush of fluid, then sme more moaning and grinding. Then sme more, then fluid, the the head of a micro baby cme forth! After it was out, the fluid cme again. Some more shaking, moaning, patient seemed to be in shock! Then the placenta, sme water, sme dilute blood. And the heaving stoppd, she was okay.
Moral: it cn b realy hard smetyms. U thnk surely ths is going to kill sth or me! And every1 cn testify that ya, ths is a goner. But after u have sufferd a little whyl, u'll b jus fine!

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