For sometime now all i have heard mostly is the rants of Christians who want to be more liberal, want to set the boundaries alittle further out there and also to make the boundaries alittle less visible... coz they hurt their eyes.
today however i have been reminded of the brewing pot of the devil. i heard today the sweet sounds of persecution, for the bible syas rejoice when you are persecuted for doing good. well ofcourse some of us may never have to face such things as persecutuion because... well we are one with the world.
lately i have heard the statement " let the hungry feed themselves" too much, if you are hurt go fish.... we wont be set back by your needs.. i mean we have our own lives to live( all that is parapharased): and this among Christians!!!! the Bible says it is the wicked man who says to a hungry and cold man " God bless you and keep you warm and does not give him food and clothing." yes it is our duty to help when it is in our means to do so. But do we?
Dont get me wrong i'm definately not perfect otherwise i would float through walls, and feed only on manna and dew, but it pains me nonetheless that people are so willing to let others die and that we have a justification for oue decadence. the compassion is gone from our hearts. we do not aim to strengthen the weak, no, we trample them and hope that they will get the picture and get stronger. we crush hopes with our sharp tongues even when we snigger and laugh at those we deem less than we are.
who are we? what have we devolved in to?
christians are consumed with sex and vulgarity it seems they are victims much more than the people in the devil's brewing pot. but wait what am i saying.... we are the new breed of the Devil's pot. malice is at its peak, we are insensitive, quick to speak and slow to listen, DID I MENTION IT IS GETTING HARDER TO FIND SO CALLED CHRISTIANS TALKING ABOUT GOD OR ANYTHING PERTAINING TO THE THINGS OF THE KINGDOM.
let me say this at the risk of being hated on... CHRISTANITY IS SERIOUS BUSINESS!!! we can't serve the King only when we feel like or when the occasion suits us. Every minute every hour we have to be devoted to our King. Jesus said, if you love me, you will obey my commands. he didnt say.. you may or you will do it when you feel like....
people we are servants and soldiers, yes we might be the friends of the King... but who on earth or in heaven would want a friend who only acts as a friend when his needs force him to. who wants a friend who is ashamed of them most of the time. Certainly not God. He will SPIT us out.
God is merciful, forgiving of short comings and strenghtening the weak. and yes many people will run to David and claim they are just as he, u know refering to the Bathsheba incident.(note that it was an incident). I beg you read thru 1 Sam - 1 Kings and measure your self against David. surely are you a man after the Heart of GOD???
some say its just a thorn in my flesh... Sweetheart has the Lord said that he will not remove it to keep you humbled??? then quit deceiving your self and Repent. besides, paul constantly fought his thorn not gave in to it!!!
let the excuses go this time and deal with your sin. Let God show you for real just how rotten you are. For the Christian today is not humbled.
Unlike Jesus who was indeed equal to God and counted it nothing to be graspedand humbled himself to become a man and obeyed God even to death... we are only friends of God but we think we have a right to step on his fingers after all we are family!!!!!!
people let us get serious. The devil is. And remember this is a war for your soul. who do you want to go home with God or the Devil? unfortunately to choice is yours.
well,spoken/written..AMEN sister