Tuesday, December 23, 2008


you left..
warning.. no
sign... no
you just left, ended

why do i feel you
every where
looking inside my head as i plunge into the thinkings i have left of u
my mind set on thinking of nothing else but the glory you showed

why do i need you
why cant i find comfort in what is left
like a starved child i hunger for just one more year.. a day.. a minute something

why do i miss your stupidity!
like a disease you are all over me
aching in my bones, wringing my heart

in life no such power did you possess
but now u leave and possess my mind
how can i seem to love you more

now that you are dead!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


i dont know.... was it the sadness that made me sad or the lack of happiness
did my fear cause me to cower or was i afraid because i am a coward...

when i pushed you away from my side...
and i desired not after thy tender kiss.. your gentle caress on my hide..
was i through with you.. was i hungry

when i slipped my hand into the pocket of my soul
and handed you my heart it left my hands
did it reach you.. did you get it.

when i read you my song
did you sing it
when i loved you did i mean it!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

so whats with every one breaking up with some one.... am a little bit baffled by it... do you think there is no such thing as love these days is there no hope....
you see i think we have a truck load of good gals and guys... so why is this dating thing not working.
the marriage stats are worse.....
care to share why?
thats if you know....